Ring ring

VAT calculator

VAT calculator can calculates VAT on inputs / Purchase, VAT on Output / sale and net amount of VAT payable to Government Authorities

1) annuity 2) bonds 3) compareloanmortgage 4) creditrepayment 5) incometax
6) mortgage 7) multipurpose 8) realrateofreturn 9) requiringdeposit 10) reversemortgage
11) scientific 12) servicetax 13) stock 14) VAT

(Enter 'VAT Rate' and 'Price'
or 'VAT Rate' and 'Price + VAT')
VAT on Input / Purchases
VAT RatePriceVATPrice + VAT
VAT on Output / Sales
Total Purchases
Total Sales
Total VAT on Input / Purchases
Total VAT on Output / Sales
Net VAT payable